Big Endian versus Little Endian

I have a question that has resurfaced as a concern when opening .tif files from our drawing database. For some of the .tif files I get a message telling me that the Bid Endian format is not supported, and asking if I want to convert the file to a supported format? I’ve attached a screen shot of the message.

After investigating Big Endian versus Little Endian I couldn’t figure out why neither choice affects editing the drawing file when the message is telling me that the “program cannot edit this file because it has an unsupported format [BidEndian].” Yet, I can select NO, and still edit the file…as we have been doing for over two years now. More to the point for the end users, we don’t have the authority to make changes to these files regarding file formats. My concern here is not about understanding file formats but about streamlining the file access process by removing this seemingly unnecessary “Error” message.

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