Monthly Archive: October 2019

Annotations – Combine with background

I’m using the trail version of your Advanced tiff editor to mark up drawings we have in tiff format. I currently use *** but it cannot handle multiple pages. The issue I’m having with your software is the mark up…
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TIFF compression.

Trying to compress a TIFF file to CCITT4 FAX4 format.  All settings set in Save As, Advanced .  Also tried setting them in Settings , User Settings.   The resulting file in Windows detail shows CCITT T.6. CCITT Group4 (G4FAX in…
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Can image editing be done from the command line?

Can image editing, like deskew, despeck, resolution changes, etcetera be done from the command line?   Yes you can. File | Batch Process …“Actions” tabclick “Add” buttonchoose necessary actions Save your actions from the action list to the file “actionlist1.actl”…
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Convert PDF to TIFF file

Can you please let me know if I can convert a .pdf file to a .tiff, and if so how? Do have instructions for converting pdf files to tiff files? Program allows you to convert PDF files to TIFF files….
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